Nicht kategorisiert Straussmania

1 December, Straussmania: Pop culture before 1900

Our image of the Biedermeier era is slightly distorted. It is not completely true that the era of the authoritarian state Chancellor Metternich only led us to retreat into a private sphere when one considers the music played in public. Even before the revolution of 1848, a popular culture was emerging in the imperial capital and royal seat of Vienna that was supported by new dance music. Instead of being barricaded in the dark at home, thousands joined in the movement. This revolution was founded not least by the Strauss family, but also by Lanner, Ziehrer and many other creative musicians.

Gerald Heidegger and Oliver Rathkolb

Our image of the Biedermeier era is slightly distorted. It is not completely true that the era of the authoritarian state Chancellor Metternich only led us to retreat into a private sphere when one considers the music played in public. Even before the revolution of 1848, a popular culture was emerging in the imperial capital and royal seat of Vienna that was supported by new dance music. Instead of being barricaded in the dark at home, thousands joined in the movement. This revolution was founded not least by the Strauss family, but also by Lanner, Ziehrer and many other creative musicians. (Full text)

Straussmania: Pop culture before 1900.

Gerald Heidegger, Hadschi Bankhofer and Oliver Rathkolb.
The places from Straussmania can also be discovered on Radio Wien in the weeks leading up to New Year’s Eve.